I am the one who is passionate about binary exploitation for many years. I got OSCE and GXPN certified and I was looking for a new journey. eLearnSecurity released the exploit development course and certification in Sep 2019 and they said “eLearnSecurity Certified eXploit Developer. eCXD is the most practical and advanced certification available on the market on Windows and Linux exploit development and software vulnerability identification in general”. I felt like I couldn’t wait to possess it. On the first day when the eCXD exam was available, I took it and I should be the very first person who got eLearnSecurity Certified eXploit Developer (eCXD) certified :D. Finally, I passed the exam !! And I found that this course and the exam is very interesting compared to other courses and certification like GXPN, OSCE. If you focus on binary exploitation, no doubt this is the most advanced certification available on the market on Windows and Linux exploit development right now. Moreover, this exam is very challenging. While I was taking the exam, I felt like I played the CTF. I would like to share my experiences with people who are deciding.
The Course Work
The course work is separated into two parts:
- Windows Exploit Development
- Linux Exploit Development
The Coursework Contains:
- The PDF Guide (very well organized and comprehensive)
- 19 Virtual Labs (The labs start from basic buffer overflow following by bypass NX, DEP, ASLR, Canary, PIE, … These are also well organized and have the lab solution guides that you can easily follow)
- Video (It contains just two topics: socket reuse shellcode and backdooring PE files)
The Exam
For the eCXD exam time, there are three days for the practical part and two more days to write the exam report. Actually, I had no plan and didn’t prepare for the exam. When I got the email from eLearnSecurity that the exam is available, I just opened the link and clicked to begin the exam. Yeah! it’s not a good idea to do like that. During the exam time, I felt like I got stuck in hell for three days, even when I slept. I dreamed about the problems that I stuck in the exam. After three sleepless days, finally, I can do it by the first attempt.
Please let me know what do you think about this or if you have any questions just comments 😀
3 Comments. Leave new
Could you pls describe a bit the exam?
What level of knowledge should I have before going for it?
I am interested as well OSCE. Can you train as well.